Welcome to Image-Release! Above and Beyond..
Image-Release is a family run Photography business, offering commercial and creative photography to a wide range of clients. We have long experience in aerial photography for industry, and well as the usual range of work with our feet on the ground: landscape, events, and a long history of work in the charity sector. Now including Drones, we have two fully qualified Drone Operators, and professional accreditation with the Civil Aviation Authority.
Images will be displayed on the blog and front page of the website. Video showreels appear in the Videography Galleries. Here's a link to a showreel: https://www.image-release.com/p978258036?customize=3
We've been enjoying show good variety of settings and work with the Drone. Here's a link to the showreel on Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/321328929
Middle Earth lives up to its reputation for landscapes, wild and cultured. It's a great way to miss the darkest part of the UK winter too.
We had a great day filming and photographing a series of fund raising events run by Quartet Community Foundation, on the Bristol Giving Day in early October. Probably the last really beautiful warm day of the year. The action even involved the Mayor of Bristol scaling a climbing wall like a pro, fearless..
A beautiful morning to catch a combination of commercial and cruise shipping at The Bristol Port Company's busy Royal Portbury Dock